The main advantage of a tab over a piece of standard music notation is that there is very little learning curve. It uses numbers on lines to represent the frets and strings of an ukulele. Tablature (or “tab” for short) is a simple system of notating music. “ Note-for-note transcriptions” are ukulele tabs of a specific recording and transcribed as accurately as possible. I try to keep them as simple as possible because I feel that it’s easier to add your own flavor than to sift through someone else’s style. These are my own interpretations, not necessarily a transcription of a specific performance.

Ukulele tabs marked with “ lead sheet” are Guitar Pro transcriptions of the melody, words (if applicable), and chords.įingerstyle “ solo arrangement” tabs shown below include the melody interlaced with the chords, intended to be played by a single player and imply harmony and lead simultaneously.

These ukulele tabs are in PDF format created with Guitar Pro, Powertab, or good ol’ Microsoft Word.